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I have spent the bulk of my career working on strategic Human Resource projects and programs. In that time I have had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of organizations, industries, and leaders. 


A few short years ago I began a new phase of my career, teaching. I had facilitated many courses in my career, but they were short form. Quite often lasting only half a day or less. The opportunity to teach at a post-secondary school (or 2 now) over the course of an entire semester has been such a wonderful experience for me. 


Over the course of my time teaching, I have always allotted time at the end of each class to have some open forum Q and A with my students. Early on, there weren't that many students who would stick around to ask questions, but as I have continued to teach, more and more students are interested in not only asking questions, but they are interested in hearing the answers to questions that others may have. Many students have let me know that it's their favorite part of my Class. 


The questions that are asked are wide-ranging. Some have questions about the class that I am teaching, some have questions about the other classes in their program. Often, the questions are more personal. Students will ask about applying for roles, how to succeed in interviews, how to be better leaders, how to develop specific programs for their organizations, and so much more. No matter the topic of the question, one thing is clear, there is a level of appreciation that their question is being answered and often they are not alone with their question. 


I want to use this space to carry some of those questions forward. Many of the topics we have covered could be beneficial to many people, so I want to use this blog along with some accompanying videos, to take these messages to a broader audience. 


Thank you for taking the time to read, and please feel free to submit your own questions with the form below!

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